Welcome to the first volume of a new journal in methodology and the history of economic thought, Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. In truth, it might be more appropriate to invite you to welcome back an old acquaintance. The current journal is the successor to Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, the book series originally founded by Warren Samuels in 1983 and continuously published by a succession of different presses through 2023. We served as co-editors of the old RHETM book series for the last decade.
After several abortive efforts to convince its final publisher to reconstitute the book series as a journal, we decided to start a new journal under the Open Library of Humanities. An award-winning, not-for-profit publishing consortium specializing in diamond open-access journals, OLH will allow the new RHETM to become a publication truly owned and governed by the scholarly community around it. By operating without any author or reader fees, it will also secure easy and equitable access to scholars from around the world, thus facilitating the promotion of all the content published in Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology.
The new journal features the same format as the old book series. Each volume will include a guest-edited, monothematic symposium, as well as general research articles and new archival discoveries.
This first volume includes a selection of essays first presented in November 2023, in Medellin, Colombia, at the 9th Latin American Conference on the History of Economic Thought. The symposium is edited by Alexander Tobon and our own Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak. The volume also features general research contributions from Keith Tribe, Malcolm Rutherford, Charles McCann, Margaret Schabas, and Wade Hands.
We are delighted to present this first volume and look forward to the future of Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology.
Finally, we would like to thank the esteemed members of our editorial board for their support throughout the development of the new journal.
Luca Fiorito
Scott Scheall
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak
Co-editors, Review of the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
Competing Interests
The authors have no competing interests to declare.